Three Weeks To Go till Release! 4th Trailer of "Final Fantasy 13" Came Out!

Final Fantasy XIII(FF13) is to come out in Japan on December 17, 2009.
Three weeks still too long a wait? A new trailer came out today on the official website, unveiling some new characters who look like Sanctum government authorities. You can also see your favourite birdy mount and the famous recurring summon in action.
Details and pics after the cut!
The official site was updated today. Trailer 04 is the latest addition.

The latest trailer is not as long as the epic 7-minute trailer but consists mostly of previously undisclosed scenes.

Despite being a l'Cie, Oerba Yun Fang works for the Cocoon Sanctum.


A dialogue between Lightning and Hope.

Lightning showing her extremely rare smile.

This priest-like figure might be a high-rank Sanctum personage.

Looks like these characters also belong to the Sanctum.

Oerba's weapon of choice.

Battle scene.

Chocobo looks kind of bulky.

Bahamut is summoned by Oerba.

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