The second trailer of "FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF 13)" is released, a new fact of impact is discovered

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Square Enix latest RPG planned to be released for PS3 domestically this winter "FINAL FANTASY XIII (FINAL FANTASY 13)'S official website has been updated and the second trailer has been released.

In the second trailer, a scene to summon a new battle scene or "Odin", Lightning is "It is already an enemy all over the worldIn addition to the appearance of a large amount of undisclosed scenes such as scenes that give an impressive single word such as "The main character is revealing the shocking fact in the last.

Details are as below.
This is the trailer delivery page of FF 13 official site. It has been updated drastically, and a link to the second bullet has been added. Finally, the scene where Snow shoots a shocking word against Lightning is a must-see.

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log