New Zealand scientists develop ice cream that reduces side effects of cancer chemotherapy

Good effect on the body when eatingThere are various kinds of sweets which have aspect as medicine, such as chocolate that there is chocolate which is painful and relieving disorder, throat which softens pain and discomfort, but it is said that ice cream that suppresses side effects of cancer chemotherapy was developed overseas.

As side effects of chemotherapy are strong, it seems convenient to suppress its side effects while enjoying sweetness, but is it really effective?

Details are as below.
'Medicinal ice cream' to help fight cancer - Telegraph

According to this article, the New Zealand dairy companyFonteraIt is said that researchers at a university in Auckland have developed ice cream and showed a promising effect on side effects caused by cancer chemotherapy. The ice cream is called "Recharge (recharge)" and it is said that it reduces side effects such as diarrhea, anemia and anorexia caused by chemotherapy, depending on the active ingredients contained in dairy products.

Jeremy Hill, Fontera's technical chief, said, "Dairy ingredients with biologically active effects developed for recharge have the potential to assist the body against side effects of chemotherapy, It costs 2 million dollars (about 1.8 billion yen) to develop ice.

It seems that an examination to eat "recharge" of strawberry taste 100 grams a day is done now, but continuing to eat every day if it does not like quite ice creams may be painful in the contrary.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log