Successfully developed a supplement that stops gaps in cattle and makes it better until milk comes out

methaneIs more than 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas gas, but nearly 37% of methane artificially discharged in the world is due to livestock gaps such as cattle.

As part of global warming countermeasuresProduce cows that do not grip by breed improvementEfforts are also being made,Penn State UniversityDairy scientists seem to have succeeded in developing supplements that not only reduce bovine gapps by 40% but also improve bovine milk. Although it is exactly two birds' supplement, it is made of unexpected ingredients that are also found in ordinary family kitchens.

Details are as below.Penn State Live - Unusual feed supplement could ease greenhouse gassy cows

Considering the nature of methane absorbing infrared rays and the period of staying in the atmosphere, methanegreenhouse effectIs72 times of carbon dioxide in 20 years, 25 times in 100 yearsIt has been with.

Methane is bovine, sheep, goat,bisonSuch asRuminant animalsIt occurs in the process of digestion. When bovine digests food, rumen (Lumen) Decompose into the state of each nutrient by fermenting the food, but it seems that carbon dioxide and methane are emitted as a byproduct of the fermentation process.

Associate professors Alexander Hristov, a dairy scientist at the University of Pennsylvania,oreganoAs a main ingredient supplement we succeeded in reducing cattle methane emissions by 40% at laboratory level and actually using dairy cows. Although negative side effects did not appear in cattle in the exam, there were pleasant side effects that milk will get better. During the experiment one milk production per day has increased by nearly 3 pounds.

"When I think about it, this is no strange thing, as methane production has become an energy loss for cattle, the energy used in vain can be used to make other things, such as milk That's why, "said Hristov Associate Professor.

There seems to be a method to reduce methane emissions by administering antibiotics (fungicide) to foods, but Hristov et al. Who thought that supplements made of natural ingredients are preferable is over 6 years We discovered that oregano is effective from hundreds of plants, essential oils, spices and so on.

Included in oreganoCalva Crawl,Geraniol,TimorIn particular, it seems that the ingredients such as ingredients are thought to play an important role in methane suppression, and in the future we will identify commercial active ingredients and aim for commercialization by further examination.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log