Chart that shows how much human beings could investigate the solar system in the past 50 years

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The first man-made satelliteSputnik 1The mission succeeded in 1957. Since the space exploration by human beings has been an astronautGagarinFamous for the word "the earth was blue"Vostok 1First manned flight by,Apollo planIt has reached the present through manned month landing by, but for the last 50 years how long have humans been able to know about the solar system where they live? The trajectory of the exploration vessel that mankind skipped so far is contained in a single figure.

Details are below.
Map of the Day - National Geographic Magazine

This figure shows the wake of the planet exploration vessel of each country in the figure. Despite success / failure, only the exploration ship to the planet and some satellites, and the exploration ship to the deep space are drawn.

First from the nearest moon. 73 times missions are taking place. It was the first time for the Soviet Union to succeed in passing near the moon for the first timeLuna 1. A fierce competition took place, such as the successful passing of American Pioneer No. 4 two months later.

Next closest to Venus is 43 times. To accelerate exploration vessels into the outer spaceSwing byIt has been used three times.

Nine times of exploration has been done to the sun. The first time we succeeded in closest approach was able to approach 43.83 million kilometers in the Sun at Helios 2 in the United States.

40 times to Mars just outside the earth. Development is progressing now at NASAIon engineWill be able to reach in about 40 days if it is put to practical use, so further exploration will proceed.

Although it seems that there were only failures of the audience during the beginning, in recent years it wasMars Pathfinder, The exploration of the surface of the ground by robotic cars is being carried out.

Exploration was conducted nine times to Jupiter and five times to Saturn. Missions that could not be reached due to various reasons such as the failure of launch will increase much from this area.

The nearest Uranus Neptune, Neptune was accessed and explored by Voyager 2.

More than 200 times in total together. I thought that human beings are pretty much looking around, but when I look at the figure below, I can see that it is not in before I saw it at all.

This is the solar system. The radius is about 3.6 billion miles (about 5.8 billion kilometers).

Currently the furthest from the solar system is Voyager 1, about 10 billion miles (about 16 billion kilometers). It seems that I have not met other civilizations yet even if I fly this much.

This was created based on the published mission. How long have we been launched where we do not know?

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log