Next-generation Xbox, AMD / ATI 28 nm GPU core which will appear in around 2012 will be installed

In the 1980'sNintendo vs SEGA vs NEC Home ElectronicsIn the 1990'sNintendo vs Sony vs. SegaSpeaking of three, it was three competing for the game machine market of that era. In the 2000s, Sega dropped out and Microsoft entered, and the three hard systems of current Wii (Nintendo), Playstation 3 (Sony), Xbox 360 (Microsoft) were completed.

Battle of these game hards is also a technical war inside the game machine at the same time, for example, paying attention to the CPU which can be regarded as the heart of the game machine and the GPU which is in charge of the image processing, the Wii and the Xbox 360 are made by IBM , GPU adopted ATI and those jointly developed by manufacturers (the above picture is Xbox GPU "Xenos"), and PlayStation 3 adopts "RSX Reality Synthesizer" jointly developed with NVIDIA.

Just yesterday, as a handheld game machineDoes Nintendo's Next Generation "Nintendo DS" Install NVIDIA's "Tegra Processor"?I have just spoken to the story,FudzillaAccording to it, it seems that it was decided that AMD / ATI will be in charge of the next generation Xbox GPU as well as the current aircraft.

Details are as below.
Fudzilla - ATI already won next gen Xbox deal

Xbox 360 has a custom graphic processor called "Xenos" developed jointly with ATI (now under AMD umbrella) on the GPU, but according to the information Fudzilla got from industry sources, even in the next generation Xbox AMD (ATI) It seems that GPU was decided to be adopted.

In the article, I am satisfied with Xenos which Microsoft jointly developed with ATI, and I see that I wanted to install the same manufacturer's GPU to maintain compatibility with past games. Although Xbox was scheduled to be renewed in 2010, it seems that the plan has slipped into 2012 as Microsoft decided to keep Xbox 360 and Sony to keep PlayStation 3 longer than the original plan respectively .

Although the summary of what kind of GPU is not yet announced, while the current Xenos manufacturing process (which is a smaller size as a smaller size and higher performance) is 65 nm, from the time line it will be 28 nm It is thought that it is not.

in Hardware,   Game, Posted by logc_nt