Arm reportedly developing gaming GPUs in Israel to compete with NVIDIA and Intel

It has been reported that semiconductor giant Arm is developing a GPU in Israel to compete with NVIDIA and Intel. According to foreign media Globes, Arm has a project team of about 100 engineers in Israel.

UK chip giant ARM GPU developing in Israel - Globes

Arm developing reportedly gaming GPU in Israel to compete with Nvidia and Intel | Tom's Hardware

Until now, Arm has not developed or manufactured its own processors, but rather developed its own intellectual property and chip development software, which it then sold to the likes of Qualcomm, MediaTek, Apple, etc. Each company that bought Arm's technology developed chips adapted to the company's unique needs.

Arm is reportedly developing a gaming GPU at its development center in Ra'anana, Israel. According to Globes, the Global Graphics Processing Group at the Ra'anana Development Center is hiring around 100 chip and software development engineers to work on GPUs for video games.

In addition, Arm has stated that it does not comment on rumors or speculation, so details such as whether the GPU under development is a discrete GPU have not been revealed.

In addition, Tom's Hardware, an overseas media outlet, speculated that 'Arm is developing an architecture for discrete GPUs, which could take the traditional form of being licensed by other companies. Many discrete GPUs to date only work with x86/x86-64 processors, but it is possible that Arm-developed GPUs could be used in Windows designed for the Arm architecture.'

According to sources, Arm plans to launch its own AI processors for servers to compete with Nvidia, and also plans to sell AI processors for PCs that can compete with those from Intel and AMD.

in Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut