It is reported that NVIDIA has started designing Arm-based CPUs for Windows PCs


NVIDIA Corporation

It was reported that NVIDIA, which has widely captured the GPU market, is designing Arm-based CPUs for PCs running Microsoft's Windows OS.

Exclusive: Nvidia to make Arm-based PC chips in major new challenge to Intel | Reuters

Nvidia and AMD plan to launch Arm PC chips as soon as 2025, Reuters reports - The Verge

According to people interviewed by Reuters, NVIDIA has begun designing Arm-based CPUs, which could be released as early as 2025. Not only NVIDIA but also AMD has begun designing Arm-based CPUs, and sources say they may also release them around the same time.

According to Reuters, Microsoft has given Qualcomm exclusive rights to develop Arm versions of Windows-compatible chips until 2024. Microsoft is working to support semiconductor companies including Intel in order to compete with Apple, which has made a leap forward by developing its own Arm-based 'M1' and 'M2' chips, and as part of this effort, Qualcomm's contract has expired. After that, it seems that other semiconductor companies are encouraged to enter the Arm version Windows chip market.

Qualcomm is likely to reveal details of Qualcomm's next flagship chip at the event '

Snapdragon Summit ' to be held on October 24, 2023, and Pavan Davuluri, vice president of Windows and devices, will be present at the event. Microsoft executives, including executives, are expected to attend.

Spokespeople for NVIDIA, AMD, Arm, and Microsoft declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.

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in Hardware, Posted by log1p_kr