AMD executives commented, 'We are ready to develop Arm-based chips.'

AMD's Chief Financial Officer, Devinder Kumar, said at the

Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on September 9, 2021, 'AMD is ready to manufacture Arm-based chips when customers ask. It is reported that it is done. '

AMD: We Stand Ready to Make Arm Chips | Tom's Hardware

When asked about AMD's view of competing Arm chips, CFO Kumar said, 'From my point of view, when you look at compute solutions, whether it's x86, ARM, or any other area, it's This is an area where we are investing intensively. ' 'We are very familiar with computing, and we have a very good relationship with Arm. Customers want to work with us on a particular product to provide a solution. I understand that we believe that x86 has overwhelming strength in computing, but we're ready to do it, even if our customers don't want the x86 architecture. I will. '

Hardware news site Tom's Hardware said, 'CFO Kumar's remarks do not indicate that AMD is developing a particular Arm-based processor, but Arm-based processors will be happy to do so, depending on the customer's wishes. It shows the attitude of developing. '

AMD CEO Lisa Su also said at an investment-related event in early 2021, 'I think AMD has a lot of experience with Arm. It has done a lot of design in Arm's history. In fact. Arm is considered AMD's partner in many ways. ' 'If you think Arm is a high-performance computing solution for a particular customer, AMD will consider that area as well,' he said.

In 2014, AMD was promoting the Armv8- based microarchitecture 'K12' under the leadership of then-chief core architect Jim Keller. Development of the K12 started almost at the same time as the Zen microarchitecture based on the x86-based AMD64 instruction set, but while the Zen microarchitecture was adopted in the Ryzen series, the K12 was not commercialized at the time of writing the article. Hmm.

On the other hand, Intel, which has developed the x86 architecture and is a rival of AMD in the CPU market for desktop PCs and the data center market, has been paying attention to RISC-V in recent years, and in June 2021 a semiconductor company developing RISC-V chips.・ It is reported that they are considering the acquisition of SiFive.

It is reported that Intel is considering the acquisition of RISC-V processor development company 'SiFive' for over 200 billion yen --GIGAZINE

In addition, Apple also adopted the Arm architecture for the SoC 'M1 ' installed in Macbook and iPad Pro. In addition, Amazon's cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services (AWS), also announced its own designed Arm-based processor, Graviton 2. As a result, Tom's Hardware points out that the entire semiconductor industry is moving away from its reliance on x86 architecture.

Spec comparison table of AWS instance 'M6g' adopting Amazon's original ARM processor 'Graviton 2' will be released --GIGAZINE

Tom's Hardware said, 'I don't think the x86 architecture will disappear, but eventually there will be more types of chips on the market, some of which will be released by apparently unexpected companies. In the meantime, AMD has stated that it will release Arm-based chips for its customers, and it's more important to note when it will happen than whether it will happen. '

in Hardware, Posted by log1i_yk