Photo of Acer's Aspire series new model equipped with Windows 7 Various

It took place on Tuesday, October 13Acer's "Windows 7" loaded product launch meetingI took a picture of the actual model that was on display at. In the future, we will join the AS 3810T series of "AspireTimeline" series and "11.6" LCD model, which are expected to play a key role in the new mobile subnote market "low price" and "higher performance and high performance than netbook" in notebook PC market AS 1410, etc., maybe a series of things that might become a model saying "It was a turning point" several years later.

Details are as below.
This is "AspireTimeline" AS 1401. Up to now it has the smallest liquid crystal size, portability is improved, maximum drive time keeps 8 hours without decreasing.

This is AS 3810 T, the liquid crystal is 13.3 inches. Driving up to 8 hours with the Intel Core 2 Duo processor, it is a thing that can handle the burrigory work even on the go.

The left is AS 1401, the right is AS 3810 T. The size is different by about one size.

The thinnest part of AS 3810 T is 23.4 mm, the thickest part is 28.9 mm.

The thinnest part of the AS 1401 in the back is 22.1 mm, which is thinner than the AS 3810 T in trouble, but the thickest part is 30.0 mm.

Both are full-size keyboards, key touch will not be cramped.

There is also an Olympic model in A1401.

Ferrari One is on the left of the Olympic model.

It is a mobile laptop with Ferraris logo with Windows 7.

Even if it is lining up with other PCs, that dazzling Ferrari red draws an eye.

The keyboard face etc. are the same black as other normal models.

Aspire One D250 Windows 7 loaded model will be released in 4 colors. The assumed selling price is 46,800 yen.

Ruby red

Sapphire blue

Seashell White

Diamond black

A 15.6-inch notebook "AS5542-M23" equipped with AMD Athlon II × 2 dual-core processor. The assumed selling price is 68,800 yen.

The AMD D 880 G chipset with UDV (movie playback support function) built in, the ATI Radeon HD 4200 on the graphic side, the HD side surround stereo speaker supports the sound side, even with full HD video even with 3D games AV notes and It is getting.

In addition, due to the typhoon of the other day, it seems that some product that was planned to be announced did not make it in time soon, a new presentation seems to be done soon.

in Coverage,   Hardware, Posted by logc_nt