Clean up Pre-Installed Rubbish with free "PC Decrapifier" software

There are tons of softwares pre-installed on the PC, even if it's newly bought, and dare we say 90% of them are not only useless, but also harmful to your computer's stability.
This PC Decrapifier is specialized in un-installing these unnecessary pre-installed garbage in a click. It's also wonderful that this software itself doesn't need installation. After you cleaned up your PC, you can just drag PC Decrapifier to trash bin.
Read on for download.
Welcome | The PC Decrapifier
You can download the software from the link below.
Download | The PC Decrapifier
Click here to download.

Click to run the software. No install needed.

Click "Next"

Click "Next" to proceed.

Click "Next"

If your PC is new, select "Yes" and click "Next".

Sometimes you delete things too much. Restore Point will cover the mistake. Click on the button if you wish, and click "Next"

We tested on "Clean PC" so we don't have a recommendation list of softwares to be uninstalled. But if you use it on a new PC, you will get the list here automatically.

If you don't have an item you wish to delete in the list, you can manually choose softwares to uninstall. You will see the same list as "Add or Remove Programs" control panel.

Click OK to run uninstaller.

After uninstall, click "OK"

Click "Finish" to complete.

Some anti-virus softwares mis-detect this software as a harmful virus, for this is based on AutoIt, the software sometimes used in botting. But it's handiness has some redeeming qualities. You can choose multiple softwares to be uninstalled in a click, which is much more convenient than existing uninstall menu.
Here's the list of the softwares they think unnecessary.
Application List | The PC Decrapifier
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