Could be FINAL FANTASY XIV(FF14) Beta Test? Square Enix is hiring men for their new MMORPG

As we've reported in our prior article, Square Enix has surprisingly revealed the release of "FINAL FANTASY XIV(FF14)" exclusively for PS3 console. While we are not sure if it's related to FF14, we found out that Square Enix is now hiring people for their "New MMORPG".
Read on for detail.
According to the recruitment page on English site of Square Enix, they are now seeking for MMORPG's Game Master who can speak English and French, or English and German.
The job requires "excellent" language skills and "Strong motivation & high level of commitment". "Flexibility with working hours" too. They also expect "Good knowledge of Square Enix, role-playing and console games", "Knowledge of MMORPGs" and so on.
No specific game title is revealed but according to the post below, GM position will be starting mid-September. And since FF11 needed 4 months of beta test, September will be the good month for Square Enix to start beta test on FF14 which is to come out in 2010.
Rumor: FFXIV beta may kick off in September
Read on for detail
The photo review of special PS3, with 160GB HDD and demo version of “PS3 Final Fantasy XIII” - GIGAZINE
Just revealed: Summoned monsters in “FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13)” showed in E3 - GIGAZINE
Final Fantasy 14 Teaser Trailer on the Official Website - GIGAZINE
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