FamilyMart is the first major convenience store to offer preferential treatment for "good customers", real price cuts and priority sales of products before release

As a first attempt by convenience store major giant FamilyMart, it became clear that it is intention to give preference to "good customers" who often use Family Mart.

In addition to the price cuts of some products traditionally done to point card members for customers, it is likely that more substantial product prices will be cut and priority sale of products before release will be carried out as well.

Details are as below.
Famima, first time at a major convenience store with preferential treatment

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun news report, FamilyMart is the first major convenience store to start service "Royal customer preferential system" which gives preferential treatment to customers.

This is FamilyMart's point card "Famima T CardFrom the history of shopping done by presenting the shopping history, we got a preferential treatment by grasping the number of times of use, the amount of money, goods to buy, etc. Points that can be used for shopping for users who purchase a large amount per month It gives a difference to the offer price of goods by giving more. In other words, it seems that substantial price reduction will be done.

In addition, we are setting up a privilege to sell pre-launch products preferentially, and we are stating that this new service will begin in September 2009 at Medo.

Furthermore, as of 11:30 on March 25, the announcement has not yet been done on the official website of FamilyMart.
With you, in combination, FamilyMart | FamilyMart

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log