When viewing images of half-naked women male brains are treated as just objects

When seeing calendars and newspapers with pictures of sexy ladies, research results have been announced that male brains treat their appearance as "objects".

Although I do not exist on the spot, I think that I am aware that the subject being photographed is a human being, but what exactly is it?

Details are as below.
What men REALLY think of when they looked at a girlie calendar | Mail Online

According to Professor Susan Fiske of the University of Princeton who conducted the research, when men see an image of a woman in the form of a bikini, he seems to be using the same part of the brain as for carpenters and other "bodies". At that time, the brain's ability to care for others declined. "The same phenomenon appears only when you decide that you do not want to imagine the thought of the subject as if you looked at homeless or pictures of drug addicts," Fiske says.

Furthermore, in the experiment conducted by Professor Fiske, it seems that women with less clothes are easier to memorize in men than women who are completely wearing clothes. By the way, when I asked Professor Fiske what a woman is thinking when seeing a half-naked man, she replied that "women tend to estimate age and deposit amount".

"I do not say that you should censor sexy images, but you need to know what is going on in your mind," the professor says.

in Note,   Posted by darkhorse_log