Photoshop Tutorial -How to make a realistic Totoro using only six free materials

Here's some tips to create a realistic picture of Totoro, the friendly monster from Hayao Miyazaki's highly acclaimed anime film My Neighbor Totoro , with only six materials you can get free online.
A Japanese designer Yusuke Ryuman showed us his amazing techniques on his website.
This is all you need.

The fur (taken from the bear picture) is downloaded from [CG Textures], the others also picked up free at some miscellaneous places he forgot.
Choose a back ground colour you like, use Curve adjusiment layer and Add noise filter for a photo-like effect.

The main body taken from the bear picture. Transform and warp, copy and paste, over and over.

The fur smoothed out with curves adjustment.

Add ears, brush in some little standing hairs.

Give him more Totoro-like colour and pattern by Curves adjustment layer and adjusting tone and colour saturation.

Stick the nose and paint brush whiskers with noise.

Eyeballs for a surrealistic touch, adjust contrast and finish with subtle noise.

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in Note, Posted by darkhorse