A man who died losing out of the house full of garbage is found

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 17:51 Jan 08, 2009, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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It seems that it is estimated that a single man who lives in a house full of garbage is found dead in the house and that it is because there are too many garbage and can not go out. Although it is full of garbage, it is my house, so it is difficult to think that I can not get out of the way, but what on earth is it?

Details are as below.
Loner who built network of tunnels out of rubbish in his home dies 'after getting lost in labyrinth' | Mail Online

The 74-year-old man, Gordon Stewart, living alone who was dying in the house. It seems that it led to the discovery that there was a neighbor who was anxious about not seeing Gordon for several days. The police officers who came to investigate the house faced the mountain of garbage which smells unpleasant, and it seems that it has become to the situation that you have to call a special team.

Mr. Gordon's house in Buckinghamshire, England which was full of garbage.

It seems that garbage accumulation has been carried out for at least 10 years, specialty team in the confusion of complicated tunnel-shaped garbage doubtfully investigated, and found lost Gordon lying there. Although it seems that the autopsy will be done at a later date, Mr. Gordon does not have a relative, it seems that he died of dehydration symptoms because he could not get out of the labyrinth of garbage.

In the house where the tunnel was made with shopping bags, furniture, crap etc.

"Mr. Gordon is a strange but he was a very smart man, he was a collector and he was going home with a lot of corrugated cardboard." Neighbors who know Gordon are talking.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log