"Birds Incoming" alert sign on Higashi-Meihan Highway

To smoothen the traffic, there's many road signs on the street and some of them are saying weird things like "yield to bicycles", "Stop and No Stop here" and so on.
The road infomation indicator on Higashi-Meihan Highway is one of them. According to the traffic situation, the indicator shows different messages like "Reduce Speed", "Warn Cross Wind" and so on, like any other indicators. But there sometimes is the strange message saying "Birds Incoming".
The indicator is located near Kanie exit, Aichi. Many "Be aware of the bird" signs and, unfortunately, the bodies of the bird can be seen there.What does the sign look like?
This article containts some disturbing images of the bird.
Read on for detail.
2km from Kanie exit of Higashi-Meihan highway.

Various kinds and sizes of birds were there.

Arriving Kanie.

Map around the Kanie Exit.
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Nests on the tree. It's easy to find one for there's bunch of them.

Herons on top of the tree. It's white feather draw our attention well

So many of them, like a colony.

This movie well describe the situation
Some other kinds of birds.

Since there are so many birds in the area, some of them crash into cars and trucks. So the "Incoming Birds" signs must be necessary. The signs are also seen near Yatomi inter change.

"Aware of birds" sign.

There are some crahsed bodies near the road. (Click on to uncover the mozaic)

Those who drive near Kanieadn Yatomi must watch out for birds.
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