Headline news on September 17, 2008
According to a survey of J. D. Power investigating customer satisfaction, the most satisfying level was genuine Nabis car makerIt seems that it was Toyota's original navigation / HDD (PDF file). In the evaluation by factor, "driving support" which is a system function such as destination search, "car life support" such as amusement function and cooperation with mobile phones, connect to the Internet to obtain informationTelematics serviceThe highest score was obtained in "communication environment" of The second place is the same score, Honda Akira Navi / HDD and Nissan genuine navigation / HDD, the fourth place is Toyota genuine navigation / HDD of the dealer option. In the ranking target 8 models, the HDD method up to the top six seems to be more satisfied than the DVD method.
So, tomorrowSeptember 18. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on September 18th one year ago.
■Knowledge that you should know in case of suddenly entering a funeral - GIGAZINE
■Motorcycle movie that runs across French towns artistically and vertically - GIGAZINE
■Ten Cities Most Polluted in the World 2007 Edition - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■Lehman employee of shock, said "go on next" - Financial Times (Financial Times) - goo news(The work, the state of each employee after the company of 158 years foundation failed to report much in general)
■Covering sex, health and expertise! The identity of the web MD that Google also wanted | Destructors of the business model | Diamond Online(Health, about 172,770,000 unique visitors in July this year, most recently for the second quarter revenue of 89.2 million dollars medical / health information website "Web MD")
■Only "festival" is not word-of-mouth marketing: NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Advertisement method, "festive type" which is exciting for a short period of time "Fanship type" which rises quite excitely)
■Involuntary Asymmetry of Investment Banks Marked by Lehman Collapse at Freedom When Actions are Freedman | Yamazaki Motoyoshi Masoscope | Diamond Online(Economy, counterparty risk is the risk that transactions can not be executed due to bankruptcy of business partners etc.)
■Main stone diary: From now on is an unexperienced zone = the way of bankruptcy processing entrusted to the market(Economy, analysis of differences in thinking of Japanese government and US government)
■J-CAST News: AIG Management Difficult Access due to Management Problem Ariko Japan "No Worry of Payment"(Economy, "Even if you look at the settlement of the Japanese branch office, it meets the criteria of payment reserve requirement, we are not worried about you." "Even if it breaks down, we will receive the protection system.")
■Is not it weird? "Accident rice" report - Chikirin's diary(Pointed out that the media does not have a commentary on the whole composition of the media)
■【MarkeZine Day Panel Report】 Have "UNIQLOCK" contributed to sales? The answer is ...: MarkeZine (Marketzine)(Advertising, honestly not contributing to the short-term sales so much)
■I tried various things about engineers' future future summit - at the Potan research institute(I write down the reasons why it was not "a debate that" I bother to take time to show off and let us have a visit ")
■The Google translation is too interesting - Cozy Ozy(Translation, Google translation only too low precision)
■Software useful when put in EeePC: Alfalfa mosaic(Software, various personalities and personal preferences etc. differ in combination is helpful)
■Blue Screen on Vista with iTunes 8 Introduced, How Apple Responds - ITmedia News(Software seems to have a problem with the first installer)
■[WSJ] Apple's iPhone 3G, sales in Japan are weak - ITmedia News(How difficult it is for mobile and overseas manufacturers to dig into the Japanese mobile phone market)
■Yusuke Furuta Akiba Pick Up! : SSD circumstances just before break (1/4) - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, Intel seems to be serious)
■Free distribution of 246 page textbooks, LPI-Japan - @ IT(Consisting of 13 sets of Linux, one set consisting of 50 lessons of class 4)
■Failure that tends to be done when installing software on Linux 10 elections - surviving the IT industry - ZDNet Japan(Linux, if you create an. Rpm or. Dev file from a source and install it using the package management system, you can leave it to the package management system, etc.)
■Novak, AM / FM radio tuner of USB connection "Radio Mate"(Hardware, built-in noise reduction circuit in the main unit can receive clearly, one-touch recording and reservation recording in MP3 / WMA / WAV format is also possible)
■What secret can you pronounce correctly without hearing? Research Outcomes International News: AFPBB News(We also use information from the receptors of the skin and muscles as well as the sounds heard with the human body)
■【Overseas speech】 "Ears of rabbits do not get scattered" - MSN Sankei News(I inform the police in Scotland that the rabbit's ear that started to keep as a pet does not move as much as I thought)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Girls' Universe Examining Their Significance - All Entry Era - University - Education(There are many cases that the parent wants more than the university, the principal)
■Do not use 3D pie charts | Okumura's Blog(It is easy for misunderstanding that 3D diagrams of PDF drawings of illusion, the result of adopting the municipal high school textbooks are all 3D pie charts)
■NHK Special "See how soldiers have been fought" - diary of avril-april(The program, the relationship between PTSD returning soldier and American society was not deepened)
■Ghostly idea: The female principal society in the Kanto district fiercely stubborn(Fake science, "If you show pictures of children to amniotic fluid, you have become a very good crystal" etc.)
■Dutch wife lifelong abandonment face ... wife 's living together "living together" years - society: ZAKZAK(Life, a man made a living with a wife a few years ago and then lived as a partner, but after taking care of the burden on the heart and heart that we decided to live with the child and make a fuss)
■Takeshi Yamatani's "Asian · IT": China's largest Windows "author" was arrested - ITmedia + D PC USER(China, pirated version too much)
■Norton 2009 "Giza greedy" Nakagawa Shoko PR new product(Security, Shoko Nakagawa taking a pose with "Norton Fighter")
■Mobage, finally certified as a "healthy site": MarkeZine (Marketzine)(Prospect that it will be out of January or February next year from target of filtering service for mobile and youth)
■"Nine misunderstandings" lying between employees and their superiors while raising children - @ IT own strategic research institute(Child care, to some extent solved with money)
■A boyfriend is ballet and a man is touching her. : Hamster Breaking News 2(Life, becoming a stepping stone more and more)
■Circle bamboo broom "Sales of the sky boundary future gospel" began selling - Akiba Blog(Doujin, Araihara's Toranoana seems to have been "chaos in the store in 200's after the name filling the street, opening in the tens of seconds before opening")
■【2ch】 Daily Thread Guide: Soft software that I thought was good to buy this hard(There are many games and masterpieces)
■Game music orchestra concert PRESS START 2008 holding - Famitsu.com(Music, 3rd time this year)
■Natalie - 2009 Samasonon held for 3 days in commemoration of 10th anniversary(Music, the total number of visitors is expected to be 300,000 people, Friday, Friday and Sunday are considered for holding days)
■【LDP presidential election】 "I want to spend the whole night" Mr. Ishiaki visits the Internet cafe - MSN Sankei News(It seems that Nether cafe, like Plamo Mania seems to have raised the owls and "Oh!" In front of "Battleship Musashi" model of several tens of thousands of yen)
■A case where Rie Tanaka showed off her bunny girl at a voice actor animedia(I hold one leg with a voice actor, bunny figure)
■That's why otaku is hated. Otaku peculiar way of speaking - FANTA - G - Rakuten Blog (Blog)(It is better to chose the content that can be laughed even by an unknown person rather than explaining what the other party does not know)
■Wara Speed Sweet "Let's fix it with a PC" free geek "(Experiences, battle between people without knowledge and people with knowledge)
■Dekunology: 4chan is not supposed to be tons before(Community, the bulletin board launched by overseas anime otaku was the epicenter where neta sprinkled in the net)
■With hungry, technology can not be done? Engineer employee cafeteria world / Tech Research Institute(Food, Sony employee cafeteria and cook pad kitchen are amazing)
· Previous headline
Headline news on Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log