A world famous marmite sandwich is made
Food such as jam based on yeastMammiteThe sandwich of about 3.6 meters in height was used by Hackney's London martyrdom lover.
This mermite seems to be clearly separated between love and dislikes because of their unique taste,Official siteButSites for people I likeWhenSite for dislikesAlthough it is supposed to be divided into, it becomes matter of how it was finally processed.
Details are as below.The world's largest Marmite sandwich is a dreadful tower of horror | Metro.co.uk
George Lambert of the producer and sandwich of about 3.6 m in height.
Mr. Lambert, of course, is a mermaid fellow and has been eating a variety of mermaid sandwiches for 25 years. We used 500 breads, 20 lettuce, 65 tomatoes, 25 carrots, 1500 grams of cheese, 30 bananas and marmales for the sandwiches we made this time. Perhaps it is a nightmare scene for those who dislike it.
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in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log