Unbelievably fat, super metabolic monkey

Located in Osaka Sakai CityOhama ParkIt is said that there are monkeys that are as thick as they are surprised at. Exquisitely, let's see the power.

Pictures are as followsThe chunky monkeys who have been put on a diet after being overfed by tourists | Mail Online

My stomach hangs down, it is completely attached to the ground.

There is power in the form of eating.

This is the style of the boss.

Precautions are given not to raise food.

According to a report of April 2008, about 30% of the animals in the park are getting fat and they are urging attention so as not to feed visitors. He seems to be working on countermeasures against metabolism by restricting diet etc.

The following page also describes metabolic monkeys.

It is a metabolic monkey in Sakai City Ohama Park (^ _ ^;) - Vermilion leader's DUCATI remodeling studio - Yahoo! ブ ロ グ

"Struggling to" Metabolization "of a park in Osaka-Sakai city, monkey" topic! - Space and Science News: Isa!

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log