A fierce battle of koalas under a nap and a crow with a surprise attack

To the koala who was taking a nap, there are a lot of pictures of two crows that took the attack. I am wondering why the koalas who were taking a nap were hit by a crow, what the end of the confrontation between koalas and crows became.

The end of confrontation is from the following.Pictured: The crows that attacked a koala bear for straying too close to their nest | Mail Online

The reason the koalas were hit by the crow was because they were taking a nap with a tree with crow's nest, and the crows set off an attack on the koala to protect the nest.

A crow attacks while sleeping.

The koala was surprised. I will fight with a claw, but it will not hit at all.

It seems that Koalas eventually jumped to another tree and ended up winning the crow. It seems that this koala showed a jump of 6 feet (about 1.8 meters). While ordinary koalas can only jump about 3 feet (about 0.9 meters), they flew about twice the distance, so it probably jumped hard desperately.

I can not endure the attack, to the position of the jump


I am relieved to escape from difficulties.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log