A shivering movie capturing the moment when an elephant is suddenly attacked by a crocodile

When the parents of elephants drinking water on the river side, the movie is suddenly a mother elephant attacked by a crocodile. The crocodile does hit the long nose of the elephant exquisitely, but what will happen to the fate of the elephant?

The playback of the movie is from the following.Crocodile Attacks Elephant Video

Parent-child elephants enjoying mingle with water on the river side.

Mother Elephant began drinking water with a long nose.

Then suddenly a splash of splash occurred.

A crocodile is sticking to the mother 's nose of the elephant. Mothers elephants resist strongly, but crocodiles do not try to leave them biting.

Raise your nose ......

Even swing down at a stretch, crocodiles that do not leave yet. The photographer is also excited with "Oh no!"!

Elephant himself progresses into the river, the battlefield is underwater.

The crocodile which received repeated counterattacks of repeated elephants finally ended up being eventually thrown away.

Parent-child elephants leave the battle as if nothing had happened.An elephant with an established reputation for fighting power in emergencyHowever, it was a truly battle fought. Even though the underwater champion Crocodile, it seems that it did not match the strength of a mother elephant with a child.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log