Portrait photo book of Queen Elizabeth II of England
Elizabeth II who passed Queen Victoria in 2007 and became the oldest monarch in the UK. The British Royal Family is often used as a scandal of King Charles' s roots, but the popularity of the Queen is undaunted, there seems to be a voice that she is wanting to be Queen without being abandoned rather.
We introduced such a portrait from the birth of such a queen to the present.
Details are as follows.
On April 21, 1926,Albert(Later King George VI) andDuchess of York ElisabethBorn as the eldest daughter between. Elizabeth (mother) later became King and Wang, who died at the age of 101 in 2002.
In 1934, my uncle ·George Kent publicA dress in her wedding.
In 1943,Grenadier Guards RegimentA piece of a wearing hat and badge. In 1936 my father took the lead as George V in the worldPresumptive heirAfter becoming it became to be involved in public service as a successor to the throne.
A picture of 20 years old in 1946. In the room of Buckingham Palace. The following year,PhilipMarried.
In 1949, the eldest sonCharlesI gave birth.
In 1952, because George VI was destroyed, he became "Elizabeth II".
In 1954, King Prince Charles andPrincess AnneTogether.
Queen playing with Corgi in 1962.
A piece of royal family in Windsor Castle in 1971.
1972. From the left, Princess Anne, Prince Charles,Prince Edward,Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth, Philip of Edinburgh. Queen My favorite resort at Balmoral Castle.
Official portrait taken in 1990. I am 64 years old.
In 2007,Battle of Vimy's ridgeAt the ceremony commemorating 90 years from.
The Queen in Portraits - Photo Essays - TIME
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