It is possible to drastically reduce the battery power consumption of laptop computers and mobile phones

Matsushita has developed a circuit for lithium ion batteries that can drastically reduce the power consumption of laptop computers and mobile phones. The use of this circuit not only makes it possible to reduce power consumption but also makes it possible to downsize the battery itself.

High reputation for business use "Let'snote seriesI am wondering if it will be adopted for the battery of.

Details are as below.
Development of power MOSFET for lithium ion battery protection circuit | Press Release | News | Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

According to this release, Matsushita Electric has developed a protection circuit "power MOSFET" for lithium ion batteries installed in laptop computers and mobile phones.

By adopting a new structure of micro process rule (0.25 μm) in the structure of the circuit, it realized low power consumption of 37% compared with the conventional, and the mounting area is reduced to about half of the conventional size This means that it can realize low power consumption of laptop computers and mobile phones, and make the batteries themselves smaller and thinner.

Also regarding the safety of lithium ion batteries, which has been regarded as a problem in recent years, it also improves the withstand capability against overcurrent that occurs when abnormality occurs, such as when shorting the battery external terminal to a protection circuit or connecting a nonconforming charging adapter It is said that it improved safety.

Note that this circuit will be shipped from the end of March.

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log