Girl tennis player banned play as it hit the ball

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A 9 - year - old girl tennis player Lauryn Edwards was forbidden to play at the tennis club that he belongs to because of the voice he raises when hitting the ball.

It is said that Sharapova of professional tennis player raises while playing is larger than the sound of construction drill, was it the same voice as that?

Details are as below.Girl, 9, banned from tennis club for grunting too loudly News This is London

Lauryn was longing for Sharapova and was alerted when managing her and hitting the ball. However, if all the shots were singing out, I got a complaint to the opponent of the same tennis club and he was banned from playing in the club.

Lauryn who states that "It is natural that it makes a voice, so you can not fake it."

Lauryn's father said, "Since the voice of her daughter is small, it is the sound that the opponent listened to when he hit the ball, it is absurd to do so with one complaint," I am talking.

Lauryn is ADD (Attention deficit disorder), I also had a recommendation from a school psychotherapist, I played tennis since I was 4 years old. The former coach said Lauryn had nicknamed Sharapova and said that it would be better if you were sounding out.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log