Trivia unexpectedly unknown to Mario world famous

It is trivia not known unexpectedly of Mario world famous. There is something that will become a story of the story, such as the origin of the name of Mario and the first appearing game title.

Details are as below.Neatorama »Blog Archive» 10 Mario Fun Facts!

·The name Mario was named after Mario Segale (Nintendo American office landowner) who came to remind rent whose deadline is behind during the conference.

·Game character It is the most famous in history, and may be the most famous as a character. According to a survey by Marketing Evaluations in 1990, it was more popular than Mickey Mouse.

·Mario appeared in more than 200 titles of games, total sales totaled more than 1,931 million.

·Mario wears a hat to make it easier to draw than hair. Also, it is because the quality of the image at that time is not so good and it is easier to see than the mouth.

·Mario first appeared in Nintendo "Donkey Kong". Moreover, at that time there is no name, the name is just "Jumpman". In addition, the occupation was a carpenter, not a plumber.

·Mario's full name is Mario Mario.

For further information from this link
Mario (Game character) - Wikipedia

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log