Indian Cannabis Quotes List in Major Countries

It is a graph showing how much Indian hemp (cannabis) is trading in major countries of the world. There are considerable price differences depending on the country, so you can see well why humans trying to smuggle drugs to Japan do not rush.

Details are as follows.
Drugs | High prices |

According to a report on drugs and crime in the United Nations, the highest price of Indian marijuana in 2005 was $ 58.30 per gram of Indian hemp in Japan (about 6660 yen). It is twice the value of the second highest Australia. America and Canada are neighboring countries, but the price in the United States is about twice that in Canada. Prices are cheaper in developing countries, and regulations are not so strict.

It is natural that there are many people who think to sell them to Japan if there is a difference in price as much ....

in Note, Posted by logc_nt