Submit a bill to legalize marijuana marketing to eliminate tax revenue shortfall

A bill to ban the marketing of marijuana for the first time in the United States was submitted for the first time due to the serious tax revenue shortage accompanying the deterioration of global business confidence.

As part of structural reform in Japan"Cannabis special zone" that can grow marijuana in Hokkaido has appearedWhen this bill is passed, it seems that you can buy cannabis at the store just like you buy tobacco and alcohol.

Details are as follows.
California Legislator Sees Benefit in Legalizing Pot -

According to this article, legislation legislating cannabis marketing in California State, USA, was submitted by the Legislative Assembly.

This is to legalize the possession and sale of cannabis if it is over 21 years old. According to the same rules and taxation as alcohol sale etc., one ounce of cannabis (about 28 grams) currently being sold for 200 dollars (about 19,500 yen) to 300 dollars (about 19,200 yen) It is proposed to impose a tax of $ 50 (about 4900 yen) per.

Since federal law in the United States is criminalizing the possession and sale of cannabis, it seems that if this bill is passed in California, it will face federal law objections.

By the way, the tax revenue that California obtains by California state birth is lifted to 1 billion dollars (about 97.4 billion yen) by banning marketing, is that the demand for cannabis is large?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log