Top 10 cities with money to live

The top 10 ranked cities with the money in order to live there and to live a life in order of descending. This ranking is a consultancy company that conducts analysis on politics and economics in about 200 countriesEconomist Intelligence Unit"Based on the data investigated.

Worldwide Cost of Living June 2011 - Economist Intelligence Unit

The most expensive cities in the world - in pictures - Telegraph

Worldwide Cost of living: The expenses of Japan | The Economist

The survey is conducted twice a year, targeting 133 cities, and the cost of 160 products and services from bread to luxury carsweighted averageIt is said that it is calculated by. Currently, the dollar is relatively weak, so it seems that the city of the United States did not even enter the top 40, but New York in 49th place as the reference value for comparison is set to 100 as comparison standard.

10th place:Singapore(Singapore)

In Singapore, which ranked one from last year's 11th place, 36% of the population are foreign workers. The comparison value when the New York is 100 is 137.

9th place:Geneva(Switzerland)

Geneva who was ranked 12th last year also ranked ninth this year. The comparison value is 138.

8th place:Frankfurt(Germany)

The comparison value of Frankfurt who ran three down compared to last year's fifth place is 140.

7th place:Melbourne(Australia)

Melbourne, Australia 's second largest city, ranked ninth last year, but it was ranked 7th as a result of higher energy costs. The comparison value is 141.

6th place:Sydney(Australia)

Sydney, the largest and most populous city in Australia, ranks eighth from last year. Living expenses in Australian cities have soared in the last 10 years, and the Australian dollar, which was half the value of the US dollar ten years ago, is now in roughly the same balance as the US dollar. The comparison value is 143.

5th place:Zurich(Switzerland)

Last year's Zurich was ranked 7th, but ranked up to 2 and finished 5th. The comparison value is 148.


Between 2006 and 2009 Paris, the second largest city in the world, was overtaken by two cities in Japan in recent years. In Paris it costs $ 6.48 (about 520 yen) to buy a 1 kg bread, but in New York it cost $ 6.06 (about 490 yen) so there is not much difference. The comparison value is 150.

3rd place: Osaka, Kobe (Japan)

Osaka and Kobe got together and ranked third. It seems to be the reason why the yen appreciation has become a region where living expenses are higher than in other countries. The comparison value is 153.


Second place:Oslo(Norway)

Oslo of Norway was chosen as second place. The fact that the cost for maintaining the city increased slightly was the factor that got second place. In Oslo the cigarette "MarlboroAlthough it costs $ 15.11 (about 1200 yen) to buy one box, it is $ 8.99 (about 720 yen) in New York. Also, European countries that are entering the top ten seem to have many places that are traditionally considered expensive lands. By the way, the comparison value is 156.

1st place: Tokyo (Japan)

Despite being hit hard by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, Tokyo continues to sit in the city of the world with the world's most money following last year. It seems that there is a strong yen as a main factor, and it costs 1.77 dollars (about 140 yen) in Hong Kong and 3.42 dollars (about 270 yen) in New York to buy 1 kg of white rice, but in Tokyo it costs 7.96 dollars (about 640 yen ) It also said that it will take. The comparison value is 161.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log