Visualize the price of beer in the world, cheap countries can drink gobby on about 100 yen per cup

by Patrick Fore

It is the summer of 2018 where the world's hot summer continues, but it is hot and sweaty day when the cold beer is felt better than usual on a kumquin. Beer that you want to drink in such summer means that the prices provided by countries all over the world are various, so Amica creates infographs showing "amount of beer per dollar (about 110 yen)" around the world doing.

Price Of Beer Around The World: How Much Beer Would You Get For $ 1

This Country Has the Most Expensive Beer in the World | Mental Floss

Paraguay and Vietnam are the biggest beer volume per dollar. You can drink 568 ml of beer at just 1 dollar. Below, Ethiopia (556 ml), Ukraine (526 ml), Nigeria (515 ml), Colombia (485 ml), Philippines (446 ml), Rwanda (439 ml), Tunisia (435 ml), Ghana (362 ml), Egypt (357 ml), Bulgaria ) · China (321 ml) · Czech Republic (318 ml) · Russia (313 ml) in that order. This neighborhood is a country where beer can be enjoyed relatively inexpensively, countries of South America and Africa are large. In the Russian World Cup of 2018, supporters from all over the world ordered a large amount of beer and were screamed about beer shortage , but in Russia it might have been related to the fact that beer can be enjoyed at reasonable prices.

Next, Romania (287 ml), Serbia (284 ml), India (282 ml), Hungary (279 ml), Peru (272 ml), Mexico (260 ml), Slovakia (254 ml), Portugal (248 ml), Brazil (238 ml), Argentina 230 ml) · Kenya (229 ml) · South Africa (224 ml) · Indonesia (215 ml) · Poland (206 ml) · Thailand (202 ml). Countries in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and various regions rank in.

In addition, Slovenia (173 ml), Latvia (173 ml), Chile (159 ml), Turkey (158 ml), Spain (144 ml), Japan (139 ml), Malaysia (133 ml), Germany (125 ml), Austria (114 ml), Greece (108 ml ) · Belgium (108 ml) · Croatia (106 ml) · Netherlands (96 ml) · Scotland (94 ml) · Canada (94 ml) and so on. When it comes to this area, the difference in price with Paraguay · Vietnam is obvious. Drinking 568 ml of beer in Paraguay costs only 1 dollar (about 110 yen), but if you drink the same amount in Japan you will need $ 4.10 (about 450 yen).

From this point onwards, countries and regions with a higher unit price of beer than Japan. Italy (86 ml) · Luxembourg (86 ml) · Switzerland (84 ml) · Australia (84 ml) · America (83 ml) · Ireland (83 ml) · New Zealand (80 ml) · UK (75 ml) · Sweden (73 ml) · Denmark (72 ml) · It is in line with Singapore (67 ml), Finland (64 ml), Bermuda (63 ml), France (62 ml), Israel (60 ml), European countries are large. I am a little surprised that Singapore in Southeast Asia and Israel in the Middle East are ranked in here.

The worst 3 with the highest unit price of beer is the United Arab Emirates (52 ml), Norway (50 ml), Iceland (45 ml). Especially in Iceland, trying to drink one pint (568 ml) of beer costs 12.75 dollars (about 1410 yen), which is "a country offering the most expensive beer".

If you set 1 cup = 1 pint (568 ml) with British beer mugs as a guide, the price per cup will be as follows. Since medium sized mugs most frequently used in Japanese draft beer in Japan are about 350 to 500 ml in size, assuming that one draft beer is 400 ml, it may be easier to imagine if it is considered "the price of medium jugs 1.4 cups".

1st place: Iceland ($ 12.75: about 1410 yen)
Second place: Norway ($ 11.30: about 1250 yen)
3rd place: United Arab Emirates ($ 10.83)
4th place: Israel ($ 9.43: approx. 1050 yen)
5th place: France ($ 9.20: about 1020 yen)
6th place: Bermuda ($ 9.09: approx. 1010 yen)
7th place: Finland ($ 8.87: about 980 yen)
8th: Singapore ($ 8.44: about 940 yen)
9th place: Denmark (7.94 dollar: about 880 yen)
10th place: Sweden ($ 7.79: about 860 yen)
11th place: UK (7.53 dollar: about 840 yen)
12th: New Zealand (7.11 dollars: about 790 yen)
13th place: Ireland ($ 6.84: about 760 yen)
14th place: America ($ 6.82: about 760 yen)
15th: Australia ($ 6.78: about 750 yen)
15th: Switzerland ($ 6.78: about 750 yen)
17th place: Luxembourg ($ 6.58: about 730 yen)
17th place: Italy ($ 6.58: about 730 yen)
19th: Canada ($ 6.05: about 670 yen)
20th place: Scotland ($ 6.02: about 670 yen)
21st: Netherlands ($ 5.92: about 660 yen)
22nd place: Croatia ($ 5.34: about 590 yen)
23rd place: Belgium (5.26 dollars: about 580 yen)
23rd place: Greece ($ 5.26: about 580 yen)
25th: Austria ($ 5.00: about 550 yen)
26th place: Germany (4.53 dollars: about 500 yen)
27th place: Malaysia ($ 4.27: about 470 yen)
28th: Japan ($ 4.10: about 450 yen)
29th: Spain ($ 3.94: about 440 yen)
30th place: Turkey ($ 3.60: about 400 yen)
31st: Chile ($ 3.57: about 400 yen)
32nd place: Latvia ($ 3.28: about 360 yen)
32nd place: Slovenia (3.28 dollars: about 360 yen)
34th: Thailand ($ 2.81: about 310 yen)
35th place: Poland ($ 2.76: about 310 yen)
36th: Indonesia ($ 2.65: about 290 yen)
37th place: South Africa ($ 2.53: about 280 yen)
38th place: Kenya ($ 2.48: about 280 yen)
39th: Argentina ($ 2.47: about 270 yen)
40th place: Brazil ($ 2.39: about 270 yen)
41th: Portugal ($ 2.29: about 250 yen)
42nd place: Slovakia ($ 2.24: about 250 yen)
43th place: Mexico ($ 2.18: about 240 yen)
44th: Peru ($ 2.09: about 230 yen)
45th: Hungary ($ 2.03: about 230 yen)
46th: India (2.01 dollar: about 220 yen)
47th place: Serbia ($ 2.00: about 220 yen)
48th: Romania ($ 1.98: about 220 yen)
49th: Russia ($ 1.82: about 200 yen)
50th place: Czech Republic ($ 1.78: about 200 yen)
51st: China ($ 1.77: about 200 yen)
52nd place: Bulgaria ($ 1.68: about 190 yen)
53rd place: Egypt ($ 1.59: about 180 yen)
54th place: Ghana ($ 1.57: about 170 yen)
55th place: Tunisia (1.31 dollar: about 150 yen)
56th: Rwanda ($ 1.30: about 140 yen)
57th: Philippines ($ 1.27: about 140 yen)
58th: Colombia ($ 1.17: about 130 yen)
59th place: Nigeria ($ 1.10: about 120 yen)
60th place: Ukraine ($ 1.08: about 120 yen)
61th: Ethiopia ($ 1.02: about 110 yen)
62nd: Vietnam (1.00 dollar: about 110 yen)
62nd: Paraguay ($ 1.00: about 110 yen)

There may be more interesting discoveries by comparing the price of beer by region, such as "beer is cheap in South America" ​​or "this country if you drink beer in Europe".

in Food, Posted by logu_ii