Dock that pierces SATA connected hard disk to make it external

It is a product that makes SATA connection built-in hard disk as external hard disk of USB2.0 connection, but its usage is excellent. Like a dock of an iPod, it is hard to pierce hard disk directly. Both 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch can be used. It might be quite good.

Details of the price etc which is worrisome is from the following.
GeekStuff - 2.5 "and 3.5" SATA HDD Stage Rack

The price is $ 46.79 (about 5400 yen), and the size is 130 mm × 68 mm × 90 mm. Windows 2000, XP, Vista, MacPro, Power Macintosh G5, Mac mini, eMac, iMac, MacBook Pro, Power Book G4, MacBookiBook G4.

Looks like this

It looks like this from behind

Pierced and used

It looks like this from behind

At the bottom of the back, there are things like power buttons, parts that refer to the power cord, USB 2.0.

It seems that the price of the hard disk is also going down, and it seems that there are also such usage methods.

By the way, if you just want to use SATA with USB 2.0 connection, these products are sold also in Japan. Actually using it is pretty convenient. For overseas it costs $ 9.99 (about 1160 yen).

USB 2.0 to SATA + IDE (2.5 / 3.5 / 5.25 ") Cable Adapter 2020 2020

If you set the IDE connection to USB2.0 it is only $ 5.09 (about 591 yen).

USB 2.0 to IDE harddisk CD-Rom adapter converter cable

2007/10/21 4:10 Addendum
According to readers' suggestions, it seems that they are also selling in Japan. 3980 yen including tax.

Naked series: The stand of the naked: CROSU 2

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse