Google acquired microblogging service "Jaiku"

Although net service called microblogging and mini blog began to penetrate rapidly among people who love new things from around last year, what kind of thing is, it is sensuously MSN messenger or mixi It is almost the same as updating the status status such as "Show what you are doing now". Such as "go to bed from now", "going to a convenience store a little", etc. It is intended to write that it is not all about writing blogs and SNS as a single entry or article.

One of such services "JaikuGoogle acquired it, it seems that full-scale entry into this genre seems to come.

Details are as follows. In addition, I have also summarized the microblogging and the mini blog neighborhood.
Official Google Blog: Reach out and message someone

The current user is continued as it is, and new registered users say that an invitation will come when this new service based on Jaiku is released. Google seems to release a new mobile service using this idea and technology of Jaiku. Apparently, it might be possible to further extend the service that posts "What I am doing now?" From mobile phones, or it can be combined with various things. Currently,We have prepared a new service that will compete for Second LifeThere is also a rumor that it is related, perhaps it may be related.

If that says so, what kind of service is Jaiku is roughly understandable if you read the following article.

Jaiku (Twitter and Tumblr's Aiko service): Work style · memo

For the microblogging (mini blog) service the following article is easy to understand what else is.

Microblogging that can be done more lightly: Featured service 10 elections: Column - CNET Japan

ITmedia Biz.ID: Slower communication than blogging from SNS ── Mini blogs one after another

"Mini blog" that fascinates alpha blogger "

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse