The game "YinYang" clears the stage by separately using the yin and yang

It is an action game that clears the stage by separately using the two characters Yin and Yang. The proper use of the two becomes the point of capture.

Access is from the following.
YinYang - Nitrome - Play Free Online Games

title screen

The black character is Yin, the white character is Yang.

Use the space key to toggle between Yin and Yang operations. Move is the cursor key.

Hold down the CTRL key and move the box.

The box can also be used as a passage.

If the two go under the flag of the goal, the stage clears.

Insects are out so touch them.

It seems to be carried by a moving tunnel.

I can not clear it unless I support each other.

Only you can open the opponent's key block.

in Review,   Game, Posted by logc_nt