A man who became a prey to the poison spid which he owned

In Dortmund, Germany, a male died after being caught by a poisonous poison who kept it. The man seems to have kept more than 200 spiders, it is unknown whether it was due to carelessness or accident. According to the police spokesperson, the site seemed to be like a horror movie.

Details are as follows.
Digital Journal - Man Killed by Pet Spider, Eaten by Creepy Crawlies

Mark Voegel (30) living in Dortmund was found dead in the apartment 's room. He seems to have kept many spiders and several snakes, and the cause of death was bitten by poison poison.

The problem was that Mr. Voegel's body was discovered for more than seven days after it died. At the time of discovery, Mr. Voegel's body was covered with a spider's web, and over 200 spiders, snakes, termites, geckos were standing in corpses. The bodies were lying on the sofa, but spiders stuck in the body and they came in and out of their noses and mouths, the lizard seems to have torn the meat and waved the big room in the room walking.

The spider who murdered Mr. Voegel this time is called a black spider, it is widely living all over the world and there are many deaths. The same gobo spidulace as Seruakago gumo which was found in Osaka in 1995 and became a topic.

Merck Manual Encyclopedia of Medicine Crocodile Spider (Black Widow)

Sekago gokmo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even if you say poison poison, the personality is quiet and will not positively attack you, it seems that there is never caught without touching directly by hand.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt