Internal information of more than 10,000 Metropolitan Police in Winny leaked to the largest ever in the past

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 16:28 Jun 13, 2007, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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The man police chief (26) of Kitazawa Department of Regional Division of the Metropolitan Police Department seems to have drained 10,000 internal information of the Metropolitan Police Department, including investigation information, when using file exchange software "Winny" on a personal computer. The outflow of more than 10,000 investigative information is a scale unparalleled in the past.

Incidentally, some of the information that was leaked includes investigation materials on juvenile cases, investigation reports on statements and statements about casino gambling, documents that appear to be complaints of compulsory indecency cases containing real names of victims, bank accounts of investigators It seems that analysis materials etc. are included.

Details are as follows.
Current affairs dot com: Data 10,000 data leaked from PC - Winnie through, police information also - Metropolitan Police Department

According to this article, it was clear on 13th that about 9000 document files and about 1000 image files were leaked from the personal computer of the police chief (26) of the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department Kitazawa Station through the file exchange software "Winny" It seems to have become. The data included copies of the data kept by the police chief (32) of the police station section of the police station.

10 thousand investigation information leakage / Metropolitan Police Department, from the PC of the police chief - Shikoku Shimbun

Subsequently, according to this article, the police chief (26) said that he borrowed the external hard disk of the personal computer from the patrol department manager (32) and incorporated the data into the personal computer at home. Incidentally, the police chief had previously worked at the organizational crime countermeasure division 1 etc. of the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, and the data that flowed out also had investigation materials of the time at that time. The outflow was discovered on the morning of 12th, as it was written from the Internet bulletin board "2channel" that pointed out data leakage.

10 thousand information leaked from the Metropolitan Police ... Inspection by PC Winnie Infection: Information leakage: Security: Net & Digital: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Furthermore, according to this article, it is said that even the personal information of the subjects to be investigated is included in the leaked documents, such as statements of statements and documents that are regarded as complaints of compulsory obscene incidents containing the real name of the victim .

In addition, the National Police Agency ordered the police officers nationwide personal computers of national police officers to check for the presence of Winny in March this year, and the police official also searched for all officials, but this patrol head said "Winny is not there I heard that he had made false reports.

It is becoming ridiculous thing ...

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log