Approximately 4 million people leaked personal information from DION, two men arrested on suspicion of extortion

According to KDDI, the name, address, contact phone number of the person who applied for the Internet connection service "DION" by 18th December 2003 leaked. The number of people who flowed out was 3996,789 people.

In addition, about 26,493 of them, sex information leaked out, 98,150 birthdate leaked out, and 447,175 people leaked to the contact e-mail address.

Further details are as follows.
KDDI Company Information: News Releases> Notice concerning leakage of customer information

Also, DION mail address, password, account number etc. credit information, communication record has not leaked.

Also,Kyodo NewsHe said he arrested two men on charges of extortion.

Two men arrested by KDDI extortion metropolitan police in information leakage
【17: 09】 KDDI received about 4.5 million customer information and requested cash from the company, the Metropolitan Police Department arrested two unidentified men on charges of extortion attempt on the 13th.

Outflow of personal information leakage from KDDI internal etc.
【17: 30】 KDDI President Tadashi Onodera said, "Personal information leaked out, it seems that it leaked out of KDDI or from a contractor."

Even so ... Large Scale ... Is not this thing saying that this roster is flowing in Winny?

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log