Fukuoka Prefectural Police to identify Winny users by their own search method, to send documents

According to ACCS's announcement, Fukuoka Prefecture Police Economy Division and Chikushino Station used a file-sharing software "Winny" to make it possible to send Zenrin's map software without permission, local public servant men in Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture (31) and a company employee in Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture, a 35-year-old male, was sent to the Fukuoka District Prosecutors on suspicion of violating the copyright law (public transmission right infringement).

Unlike so far, this time it is true that you broke Winny's anonymous communication?

Details are as below.
Public right infringement violation by Winny, two people sent a document

The reasons that caused the document to be delivered this time are the map software such as "Digitown Fukuoka Prefecture Kitakyushu City Yahata Higashi-ku (2002 birth memorial version)" and "Digitown Iwate prefecture Shiwa cho (September 2004 edition)".

Kyodo NewsAccording to the report, one of them was an incumbent male police officer of Hyogo Prefectural Police Department, Fukuoka Prefectural Police, who received consultation from Zenrin, analyzed the communication history of the personal computer to find out the address of the police officer, and said that he did a house search in early this month It is that.Sanyang newspaperHe also reports the real name of this policeman.

Also,Asahi ShimbunAccording to the report, Fukuoka Prefectural Police have developed a unique search method and have identified the police.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse