Google, a new service to search for free calls "Google Voice Local Search" released

By calling "1-800-466-4411", so-called local search (local information search that searches local neighborhood information closely related to the local) will be possible. It is free to use, it is positioned as an experimental service without advertising messages flowing before calling.

Examples of actual usage and telephone calls are as follows.
Google Voice Local Search

Currently available areas are calls from within the United States only, calling "1-800-466-4411" and speaking the name or category name of the information you are looking for will result in that search result. Search results can also be received with a simple message service SMS for mobile phones.

The story of the person who actually tried on the following page is listed.

Google offers free voice-activated local search | | CNET

According to the story of the person who actually tried in the above article, when I talked to "massage therapist in San Francisco" to find a massage expert in San Francisco, he said that he taught eight search results by male voice Thing. It also seems to be able to call directly to each search result store by pressing a number key or by saying a number. It is quite amazing, is not it? ... It may be useful when you hurry to find a venue for a party.

However, there seems to be a limit to the level of speech recognition, he said he did not recognize it with a business name like "Oxygen Massage Therapy" or a store name.

By the way, the guidance system by speech recognition of this hand has already been considerably researched in Japan and I have participated in the demonstration experiment, but the accuracy is high considerably even via mobile phones. Therefore, if you want to do this kind of service can be deployed in Japan.

in Mobile,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse