Male body adjustment pants "Naruto NUDE" Oshare hold down "released

From Wacoal's men's underwear brand "Bros", the body-type compensating fitting pants which reinforced the back side of the abdomen with pressure-sensitive stretch material is said to be on sale from the middle of February "NUUDU NUDE" stomach suppression ".

It seems to be good for those who only care about stomach around desk work.

Details are as below.
Wacoal men's underwear
"Almost as NUDE (nude)" Tummy holding "released
(PDF file)

It is a product which responded to the voice that the stomach circumference is concerned, but the tightening feeling can not be tolerated. It uses a material that does not affect outerwear and adapts to the bare skin, and seems to have a function to soften the stomach at the deep rise.

Two types of color, black and dark brown, each with a suggested retail price of 2100 yen.

It is a naming of fastballs different from women's underwear, is not it a matter of emphasis on comprehensibility?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log