I tried 'Nissin Chicken Ramen Bowl Plus Wonton'

I was paying attention to "Nissin Chicken Ramen Bowl Plus WontonI tried it as lunch last time.

Well, how is the taste?
When opening the lid, you can see eggs in the back

Pour hot water and wait for 3 minutes

Three minutes passed, this is like this. Something of a cherry-like shape is floating.

I mixed myself. It looks quite delicious.

But wonton of the bottom is a bit .... I was hoping for a change in the quality that seems to be in one Tanmen of Ace cook, but it seems that it can not be reproduced so far with style Wonton just pouring hot water. Somewhat like this ...?

But other than that it is quite normal chicken noodle so you can taste it to soup, it's okay.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log