I tried Maru-chan "Egg Tamago Udon"

With a famous ramen shop "Nakamuraya" and Maru-chan's collaboration, it seems to be a cup of new sensation created. The price is 160 yen, which is characterized by having a very large egg-fried on top. This egg - grill had small shrimp in it and it looked yummy so I decided to buy it. The above picture was completed. There is a deluxe atmosphere than I imagined.
Immediately after I bought it

I opened the lid.

It is this kind of feeling that I was inside, fried like a garbage next to egg is thin fried.

Immediately after putting hot water ...

Wait a while and it will be completed.

The feeling I ate was strangely plumped. Quality of very high satisfying eggs, whether this single item can be sold. Even if it floats on shark's fin soup or something, it may be delicious.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log