The SNS 'seven39' that can be used for 3 hours a day has been released, so I actually tried using it

The Internet has brought great convenience to people when it comes to obtaining information and interacting with others, and it has been shown to be

related to increased happiness . However, there are also people who become addicted to the Internet, using social media and the Internet to the point that it interferes with their daily lives. In the midst of this, a social networking site called ' Seven39 ' has been launched, which is open for only three hours a day.


Seven39 is only available between 8:39 and 11:39 Japanese time every day. If you click on the link above during that time, you will see the following screen.

First, click 'Create an account'.

Enter your username, email address, and password, then click 'Create account.'

Once you have completed the initial setup of your account, click 'Log in and join the fun.'

Enter your username or email address and password and click 'Log in'.

Then the Seven39 timeline was displayed. At the top of the timeline, the remaining time available for Seven39 is displayed.

To post, enter text in the input field at the top of the screen and click 'Post.'

Your post will look like this:

When a reply is sent to a post, it looks like this.

Click 'Stats' at the top of the page.

This will show you the total number of posts, replies, likes, and more for that day on Seven39.

Also, as you scroll down the page, the posts that have received the most likes for that day will be picked out and displayed.

To see your posts, click the icon or username in the top right.

Your previous posts and replies to them are displayed. You can also update your profile from this screen.

Once the time limit has passed, the following screen will be displayed: You will not be able to access the timeline during this time, but you will still be able to create an account.

Seven39 says, 'Social media is happier when we're all online together. With Seven39, there's no infinite scrolling, and no FOMO . Just enjoy three hours of fun every day.'

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut