What happens if you implement a 'no phone calls' policy when negotiating with a company?

In the business world, telephone communication rather than email remains a popular method of communication, such as when selling products and services or receiving customer inquiries. Zeke Gabrielce, founder of

Keygen , a company that provides APIs for software license management and distribution, talks about the actual benefits and know-how of what would happen if modern businesses decided not to use telephones for work.

No calls

When Gabrielse started Keygen, he didn't like phone calls because of his introverted personality, so he came up with the idea of creating a company that didn't have to answer sales calls or any other calls. So when he first founded Keygen, he actually introduced a 'no phone calls' policy.

As Keygen grew, it became necessary to expand into a larger market, so a 'phone consultation' button was added to the pricing page. However, Gabrielse's dislike of telephone calls did not change, and even in actual interactions, he was irritated by things like 'wouldn't all this have been done by email?', 'email would have been easier to prepare answers than by phone', and 'it's difficult to confirm the title and authority of the person on the phone, but email allows you to have a more specific conversation with a more reliable person'. So one day he removed the 'phone consultation' button from the pricing page, and even when a request for a phone call was made, he would reply, 'I don't accept phone calls, but I'm happy to help you by email.'

In Gabrielse's actual interactions, several business partners responded that they 'wanted to avoid phone calls, too.' In fact, Gabrielse was able to close the deal by email alone, but he acknowledges that a policy of no phone calls sometimes doesn't work. However, Gabrielse says he doesn't feel like he's wasting money because he feels like he's doing the type of work he likes and avoids the types of work he doesn't like.

When asked why business situations are often handled by phone, Gabriel Seth cites the following four reasons, each of which can be resolved by other means than phone calls.

1: The other person doesn’t understand our products or services
If the introduction on the official page is vague, customers will have to call to find out what you are actually offering. Also, if you offer too many things or the range of your services is too broad, customers will often call to check whether it is suitable for their case. Therefore, Gabrielse says that narrowing your targeting and clarifying the message on your official page can reduce the number of inquiries.

2: You don’t know how the other person will use your product or service
If there is not enough information to start using the product or if the official website does not provide instructions on how to use it, many users, especially those who need to solve their problems quickly, will try to contact us by phone rather than email. What is needed to deal with this is official documentation, which can be used to publish instructions on how to use the product, how to deal with errors, and frequently asked questions, to avoid unnecessary inquiries.

3: The other person doesn't know the price of the product or service
Even for products and services that have a set price, companies are used to negotiating prices based on special contracts. To avoid this, you should clearly offer a 'corporate plan' on your pricing page. You may be able to get a bigger profit by negotiating with companies individually without an enterprise plan, but 'if you feel like you're sacrificing a lot of money by cutting corners, a do-not-call policy may not be for you,' says Gabrielse.

4. The other person doesn’t trust you
Finally, trust is the most important thing in any purchase or contract. Companies want to trust you, so they may send you a ton of questions to clear up all of their concerns. Sometimes they do this over the phone, but it's not the only way they can get what they want. Keygen actually has a compliance page with answers to all the security questions they've ever seen.

Overall, Gabrielse said, 'Except for short contacts that are absolutely necessary, sales calls are not necessary. Basically, use email. To do this, you need to clearly explain the value of your company and products on your official page and avoid ambiguous messages that may confuse or confuse people. Also, focus on security and document all issues so that you don't have to repeat the same answers. Some people will laugh at my ideas and attempts, but those who think like me will find the no-call policy useful. If you want to implement a no-call policy, start preparing by paying attention to four things. '

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh