Notification cooldown feature reappears in Android 16 developer preview version 1 release

The developer preview version 1 of 'Android 16,' the latest version of the mobile OS 'Android,' has been released. The 'notification cooldown' feature, which was present in the development version of Android 15 but was not adopted in the official version, has reappeared.
Android Developers Blog: The First Developer Preview of Android 16

The first Android 16 developer preview just landed: Here's what you need to know
Normally, Android releases developer previews from April to June, followed by the official version from August to October, but with Android 16, the schedule has been brought forward, with the official version now scheduled for release between April and June 2025.
'Android 16' is scheduled to be released in the second quarter of 2025, earlier than usual, and may be installed on the Pixel 10 series from the beginning - GIGAZINE

The release of the developer preview was also brought forward, with version 1 being released on November 20, 2024. There are four notable new features and changes.
◆1: New API to distinguish between major and minor releases
Android apps can use the 'SDK_INT' constant to determine the version of Android they are running on. For Android 16, the version is identified as 'BAKLAVA' before the stable version is released, and as '36' when the stable version is released.
In Android 16, the 'SDK_INT_FULL' constant will be used to distinguish between major and minor releases, and you'll also be able to check the minor SDK version.
◆2: Embedding a photo selection tool
Android 13 and later versions of Android are equipped with a '
Android 16 will allow users to embed a photo selection tool using new APIs, enabling new user experiences while maintaining privacy. Note that embedding the photo selection tool will require the release of a new Android Jetpack library by Google.
◆3: Medical records
The developer preview of the Health Connect app has added an early version of an API to support medical records, which allows apps to read and write medical records in FHIR format with explicit user consent. The API to support medical records is available as part of an early access program.
◆4: Privacy Sandbox
As part of our ongoing efforts to develop technology that gives users the confidence that their privacy is protected, Android 16 includes an updated version of the Privacy Sandbox.
Privacy Sandbox: Technologies for a Privacy-Enhanced Web

In addition, the 'notification cooldown' feature, which was tested in the development version of Android 15 but was not included in the stable version, has been reintroduced. 'Notification cooldown' is a function that gradually reduces notifications when notifications come from the same app continuously. Even if you accidentally buzz on SNS and notifications don't stop ringing, the device automatically saves notifications, so you won't be bothered by notifications.
Going forward, developer preview version 2 will be released in December 2024, followed by beta versions 1 to 4 in January to April 2025.
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