A collection of ridiculous art that goes beyond the 'straight face passport photo'

MAX SIEDENTOPF — Passport Photos
Passport photos are not suitable for self-expression because they strictly regulate the size of the photo, the position of the face, the color of the background, and the facial expression. However, if you go outside the frame of a passport, you can express yourself as much as you want. Siedentopf has released a photo book that challenges self-expression outside the frame of a passport.

A straight-face passport photo.

Outside the frame, he was giving a thumbs up with his pants completely exposed.

A huge uproar.

I'm having the vacuum cleaner suck my nipples.
She was wearing a skirt made of toilet paper.

There is also a photo of a man wearing only a bath towel standing next to her. If you look outside the frame and then at his passport photo, you can see that he is smiling a little.

Snapped while making a mysterious smoothie with cider and Doritos.

Some of the photos recall

A large number of other photos are available on Mr. Siedentop's official website.
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