YouTube Shorts now allows users to create 6-second AI-generated videos, using Google DeepMind's 'Veo' video generation model

At the ' Made on YouTube 2024 ' event, where YouTube announced new features, it was revealed that it will integrate Google DeepMind's video generation model 'Veo' into YouTube Shorts. This will enable creators to generate higher quality background footage and create independent 6-second clips.

A future full of opportunities, Made On YouTube - YouTube Blog

Made on YouTube 2024: Announcements for YouTube creators and viewers

Empowering YouTube creators with generative AI - Google DeepMind

Veo, developed by Google DeepMind, is an AI model that can automatically generate 1080p videos based on input text. It was announced at Google I/O 2024 in May 2024.

Google announces 'Veo', an AI that can automatically generate 1080p videos over 1 minute - GIGAZINE

In addition, YouTube is introducing a feature called 'Dream Screen' in 2023 that uses AI to generate background footage for YouTube Shorts.

YouTube announces a feature that uses AI to automatically create backgrounds and subtitles for YouTube Shorts and suggest topics that will appeal to viewers - GIGAZINE

According to YouTube, Dream Screen will be enhanced with Veo to automatically generate six-second videos for YouTube Shorts. This is intended to be used in conjunction with existing filmed content, and is intended to generate videos that allow creators to review their footage and fill in any gaps they feel.

Here's an example of how to use Dream Screen: First, select 'Create' on the YouTube Shorts Dream Screen function screen.

Enter text and tap 'Create'.

Then, the image generation model

Imagen 3 generates four images.

Select one of the four images and click 'Create video'.

Veo will then generate a six-second video based on the image you select.

The video generation by Dream Screen uses Synth ID , a digital watermark developed by Google DeepMind for identifying AI-generated content. The generated videos are automatically watermarked, allowing viewers to tell that the content is AI-generated.

YouTube did not disclose specific terms or restrictions, but said it plans to integrate Veo into Dream Screen in the second half of 2024.

In addition, YouTube has announced the following features:

・Community features
Creators will have a dedicated community space within their channels where fans can discuss videos, share fan art, and connect with people who share the same interests. The comments tab in the YouTube Studio app will also be changed to 'Community' and will be a hub for interacting with fans. At the time of writing, the community feature is only available on some channels, and is expected to be expanded to more channels by early 2025.

・Responding to comments using AI
A new feature has been added that uses AI to suggest possible responses to comments, allowing you to draft responses that match the creator's style.

・Jewel and gift function
A gifting feature using digital items called 'Jewels' will be introduced. YouTube says that viewers can send these items during live broadcasts to deepen their interactions with creators in real time. This feature will be released first in the United States.

・Hype function
'Hype' will be introduced as a new way to support creators. Fans can 'Hype' videos they like, helping them reach new audiences. And the videos with the most Hype points will be featured on a special leaderboard. The Hype feature has been tested in Brazil, Turkey, and Taiwan, and will be expanded further in the coming months.

・Idea generation support using AI
YouTube Studio's revamped Inspiration tab will add an AI-powered brainstorming feature that will suggest video ideas, titles, thumbnails, outlines and more that fit your style.

- Expansion of automatic dubbing function
YouTube has announced that its dubbing tool, which allows creators to generate audio tracks in different languages, will be expanded to include more languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian. In addition, the company is testing a new feature that will generate natural dubbing that reflects the creator's tone, intonation and even the surrounding environmental sounds.

・Expanded shopping features
YouTube's Shopping affiliate program has expanded to Indonesia, with Thailand and Vietnam coming soon.

- Enhanced TV features
Creators will be able to organize their content by seasons and episodes, making it easier for viewers to enjoy their content on their TVs.

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk