GIGAZINE access analysis results for July 2024

This article is available only to paid members of the GIGAZINE Secret Club , but will be available to everyone until September 30, 2024.

Announcement 1: We have implemented automatic posting of new articles on the SNS ' Threads ' operated by Meta! If you use Threads, you can follow the official GIGAZINE account below to quickly check articles.

GIGAZINE by Threads (@gigazinejp)

Announcement 2: We have released the e-book and paperback editions of the full-color manga 'Gas Shop!!' that was serialized in GIGAZINE. In addition to the chapters already published in GIGAZINE, the book includes 'Korogas!', the original story behind 'Gas Shop!!' as a special bonus. In addition, the e-book version includes an original illustration collection that has not been published in GIGAZINE, so whether you have read the GIGAZINE serialization or have already read it, please purchase and read it! Gas Shop!! (GIGAZINE) E-book: Mainichi Nichimae, GIGAZINE: Kindle Store

So, here are some useful data to help you advertise on GIGAZINE :

◆July 2024
Number of access requests: 187.77 million
Page views: 44.59 million (an increase of 520,000)
Number of unique users: 18.14 million (an increase of 1.15 million)
Transfer volume: 14.633TB

*Measurements taken by Cloudflare.

Of the total transfer volume, images and other multimedia files accounted for approximately 12.322TB, while HTML, RSS, etc. accounted for approximately 2.301TB.

In addition, the number of articles created in July 2024 was 678.

Next, the top 10 most popular articles in July 2024. These are the results of an analysis by Google Analytics.

1st place: Greece ends five-day work week system to boost productivity, new system to come into effect in July 2024

2nd place: Woman who received full salary for 20 years despite not working sues company

3rd place: 'Red light cameras' that automatically crack down on red light ignoring have caused many accidents, and some towns rely on fines for 15% of their income

4th place: Unofficial Wii keychain-sized 'Nintendo Kawaii' is born

5. A huge amount of report data has been discovered that proves that Intel's 13th and 14th generation CPUs are flawed and cause crashes, crashes, and errors

6. Amazon's device business has lost at least $40 billion, ruining its plans to make money from Alexa

7. A new El Niño phenomenon is discovered

8th place: Five new features expected in the iPhone 16 coming in 2024

9th place: Someone disguised a PlayStation 5 development kit as a 'pizza cooking set' and resold it for 1 million yen

10th place: What happens if you set all registry values to '0' in Windows 10?

So, next we will look at the trends of GIGAZINE readers by browser they use, as follows.

1st place: Chrome : 52.60% (2.60% increase)
2nd place: Safari : 29.24 (1.99% decrease)
3rd place: Safari (in-app) : 6.20% (0.42% decrease)
4th place: Edge : 5.78% (0.42% decrease)
6. Firefox : 2.75% (up 0.36%)
5. Android Webview : 2.63% (up 0.09%)
7. Samsung Internet : 0.35% (no change)
8th place: Opera : 0.23% (0.04% decrease)
9th place: Mozilla Compatible Agent : 0.08% (0.01% decrease)
10th place: Android Browser : 0.01% (no change)

Next, the top 10 sites that linked to GIGAZINE and brought the most traffic to GIGAZINE are as follows. Search engines are excluded.

1st place: X (1st place last month)
2nd place: Google News (3rd place last month)
3rd place: Facebook (2nd place last month)
4th place: Hatena Bookmark (4th place last month)
5th place: SmartNews (5th place last month)
6th place: Global stock prices (6th place last month)
7th place: Livedoor News (8th last month)
8th place: Pinterest (7th place last month)
9th place: Feedly (10th place last month)
10th place: Togetter (9th place last month)

Next, the top 10 phrases that led to searches on GIGAZINE are as follows.

1st place: gigazine
2nd place: iPhone 16
3rd place: Meteorite fall simulator
4th place: PlayStation 5
5th place: Game Boy Advance
6th place: Intel
7th place: pixel9
8th place: Password
9th place: overture maps foundation
10th place: Vanilla Ice Engine

Finally, we are looking for requests for companies or people you would like us to interview, events you would like us to go to and report on, products or restaurants you would like us to review, or projects that are difficult for individuals to verify but that GIGAZINE might be able to do. Please use this contact form to send us any tips or suggestions related to articles. We also welcome information and press releases from individuals and companies through the contact form .

Also, if you point out an error in an article , it would be very helpful if you could provide the address of the source that supports the error, as this would make it easier to verify. Even if it's just a small typo, I would be very grateful if you could contact me with something like 'It says this here, but isn't it actually this?'

In addition, we would be happy if you could send us your thoughts on each article , so we hope you will continue to support GIGAZINE in the future.

in Notice, Posted by log1b_ok