GIGAZINE access analysis results for August 2024

This article is available only to paid members of the GIGAZINE Secret Club , but will be available to everyone until October 31, 2024.

Announcement 1: We are conducting a community beta test to eliminate inappropriate ads from GIGAZINE and make it healthier. First, we invited some of the people who expressed their cooperation in the reader survey, and we are steadily making the ads healthier behind the scenes. If you are currently saying 'I haven't been invited to the beta test!', please report the inappropriate ads from ' Other inquiries ' at the bottom of GIGAZINE and we will check and respond, so we would appreciate your cooperation!

When reporting inappropriate ads through 'Other inquiries,' please include the 'URL of the ad's link' in your report to ensure that we can block the ad smoothly.

Announcement 2: All gifts for the Summer 2024 Giveaway have been shipped. If you were not successful this time, please look forward to the next giveaway!

GIGAZINE Summer Gift Campaign 'Answer the Questionnaire and Take It All!'

Thank you for letting me know about your win at X.

Notice 3: We have displayed a request for donations to GIGAZINE's server operating costs to ad block users. As a result, we were able to cover more than one-tenth of our overall revenue in August 2024, when advertising revenue was extremely poor, with donations from ad block users! Thank you!

So, here are some useful data to help you advertise on GIGAZINE :

August 2024
Number of access requests: 171.12 million
Page views: 40.23 million (down 4.36 million)
Number of unique users: 15.63 million (down 2.51 million)
Transfer volume: 14.237TB

*Measurements taken by Cloudflare.

Of the total transfer volume, images and other multimedia files accounted for approximately 11,600TB, while HTML, RSS, etc. accounted for approximately 2,637TB.

In addition, the number of articles created in August 2024 was 628.

Next, the top 10 most popular articles in August 2024. These are the results of an analysis by Google Analytics.

1st place: Why are so many ancient Roman statues headless?

2nd place: Android devices in 113 countries around the world are found to be infected with malware that steals one-time passwords via SMS

3rd place: It is reported that the 2024 'iPhone 16' will have Apple Intelligence as its biggest selling point, and the 2025 'iPhone 17' will have a new ultra-thin mid-range model, the 'iPhone Air,' and the lineup will be revamped.

4. Survey reveals that most new in-car tech is considered 'unnecessary'

5th place: Windows 'Control Panel' to be abolished

6. Astronauts may not be able to return from the International Space Station during what was originally an eight-day mission, with their stay potentially postponed until up to 2025

7th place: Will you replace a crashed Intel 13th and 14th generation CPU? The results of asking 14 PC manufacturers are made public

8th place: I tried using the Japanese ad blocker '280blocker' that can remove annoying ads in smartphone apps and save gigabytes

9th place: Serious vulnerability 'Sinkclose' discovered in many AMD CPUs, AMD distributes patch but it does not apply to some older models

10th place: I tried the 'Maruchan Yakisoba' that can be eaten in 3 minutes in a cup

So, next we will look at the trends of GIGAZINE readers by browser they use, as follows.

1st place: Chrome : 53.09% (0.49% increase)
2nd place: Safari : 30.39% (0.84% decrease)
3rd place: Edge : 5.83% (0.05% increase)
4th place: Safari (in-app) : 4.86% (1.34% decrease)
5. Firefox : 3.06% (up 0.31%)
6th place: Android Webview : 2.50% (0.13% decrease)
7. Samsung Internet : 0.37% (up 0.02%)
8. Opera : 0.26% (up 0.03%)
9th place: Mozilla Compatible Agent : 0.08% (no change)
10th place: Android Browser : 0.01% (no change)

Next, the top 10 sites that linked to GIGAZINE and brought the most traffic to GIGAZINE are as follows. Search engines are excluded.

1st place: Google News (2nd place last month)
2nd place: X (1st place last month)
3rd place: Hatena Bookmark (4th place last month)
4th place: Facebook (3rd place last month)
5th place: SmartNews (5th place last month)
6th place: Global stock prices (6th place last month)
7th place: Livedoor News (7th place last month)
8th place: Pinterest (8th place last month)
9th place: Feedly (10th place last month)
10th place: Togetter (9th place last month)

Next, the top 10 phrases that led to searches on GIGAZINE are as follows.

1st place: gigazine
2nd place: iPhone 16
3rd place: Intel CPU malfunction
4th place: Vehicles
5th place: Meteorite fall simulator
6th place: Exploit
7th place: Android
8th place: Malware
9th place: Steak Sauce Whopper
10th place: nitter

Finally, we are looking for requests for companies or people you would like us to interview, events you would like us to go to and report on, products or restaurants you would like us to review, or projects that are difficult for individuals to verify but that GIGAZINE might be able to do. Please use this contact form to send us any tips or suggestions related to articles. We also welcome information and press releases from individuals and companies through the contact form .

Also, if you point out an error in an article , it would be very helpful if you could provide the address of the source that supports the error, as this would make it easier to verify. Even if it's just a small typo, I would be very grateful if you could contact me with something like 'It says this here, but isn't it actually this?'

In addition, we would be happy if you could send us your thoughts on each article , so we hope you will continue to support GIGAZINE in the future.

in Notice,   , Posted by log1b_ok