Former President Trump finally returns to X (formerly Twitter)

Former President Donald Trump, whose account was frozen and then unfrozen by Elon Musk, but who only posted once afterwards, has returned to X (formerly Twitter) after more than a year. With the presidential election coming up on November 5, 2024, it is believed that this is an attempt to appeal to voters. At the time of writing, Trump is hosting a live stream.

Donald Trump's interview with Elon Musk on X: Live updates, reactions, analysis

During his presidency in 2020, Trump claimed that the 2020 election in which he ran against Joe Biden was fraudulent, and later, Trump supporters who believed this claim stormed the U.S. Capitol. In January 2021, following this series of incidents, many social media platforms, including Twitter, froze Trump's accounts.

In November 2022, Musk, who had acquired Twitter, restored Trump's account, but Trump indicated his intention not to return to Twitter, prioritizing his own social networking site, 'TRUTH Social.' After that, Trump was only active on Twitter once, on August 25, 2023.

On August 12, 2024, about a year after the above post, Musk posted, 'Trump and I will be having a live conversation tomorrow at 8 pm EST at X,' announcing Trump's return. On August 13, Trump appeared at X and posted , 'Are we better off now than when I was president? Our economy is shattered. Our borders are gone. We are in decline.' He then went on to state his usual slogan, 'Make the American Dream AFFORDABLE again. Make America SAFE again. Make America GREAT Again!'

After the above post, the live talk started around 9am Japan time.

The conversation is conducted in an interview format, with Trump as the speaker and Musk as the listener.

Trump noted that former President Barack Obama had warned that North Korea's nuclear program was 'the greatest problem facing America.'

He slammed President Joe Biden's approach to Russia's war with Ukraine, saying 'maybe President Biden has no IQ at all' and that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have entered Ukraine without Biden's comments about the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member.

Trump also pointed out, 'I know the leaders of North Korea and Russia well and they are in great form. They are at the top of their game. They are tough, they are smart and they are vicious. They are going to defend their countries. On the other hand, as for Iran, if I were president, I would not attack Iran.'

Regarding immigration, Trump said, 'I have love for New York, but what's going on in the state and with illegal immigration is horrible. We're overwhelmed with immigrants coming across the border, not just from Mexico, but from all over the planet. I love New York, but what they're doing with immigration is terrible. What the court is doing is telling me, 'Okay, well, let's focus on Mr. Trump, who's done nothing wrong.''

It should be noted that a large-scale DDoS attack was launched immediately after the talk began, with Musk saying that a test had been conducted that morning with 8 million simultaneous listeners.

At the time of writing, more than 1.31 million listeners are participating.

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr