What is the unique business that led to a contract with a major advertising agency after establishing a fake delivery company that 'deliveries from the future'?

Serhiy Kashevko, a Ukrainian living in London, and his partner started a business called 'Establishing a Fake Delivery Company' when they moved from Ukraine to London. Kashevko explains his intentions and history about why he created a fake delivery company and how he became very successful from there.

We Created A Fake Delivery Company


While living in Ukraine, Kashefko had a sufficient income from an outsourcing business related to game development, but after moving to London, he needed a new job and income. So Kashefko made a list of influential companies and individuals he wanted to work with, such as top investment funds, private jet brokers, top fashion brands, and the largest game, media, and creative companies. However, Kashefko thought that these companies would probably be inundated with visitors, sales people, and religious solicitors, so he came up with the most direct approach to contacting people: 'Establish a fake delivery company.'

That's why Future Delivers was founded. The concept of Future Delivers is that your future self in 2064 can give your current self in 2024 good advice and gifts from the future. Even if you access the official website, you will see the message 'Earthling, it appears that you are currently in the past. We are sorry, but our service will only be available from 2064 onwards. Please check again in a while,' meaning that you will not be able to use the service as of 2024.

In addition,

the official blog contains posts such as 'The ethical impact of time travel' and 'Tips for adapting to life in other eras,' as if a delivery company called Future Delivers exists in the future world. It also shows several ideas to make the brand more persuasive, such as delivery permits, uniforms, brand logos, and delivery robot dogs that will be active in the future.

After being approached through advertisements and emails, Kashefko released a video of the actual delivery. The surface of the box is custom painted with liquid metal markers.

When you open the box, there is a small monitor in the upper right corner with a woman who looks like an operator standing against a plain background conveying a message.

The box is filled with photos of 'your future self and your family.' These are AI-generated images, including some that show futuristic cityscapes.

They had also thought of having smoke come out when the box was opened to make it look like a package sent from the future, but this was abandoned as it could have been perceived as a dangerous item.

The box is carried by a four-legged dog-like robot, with Kaszewko and his team walking alongside it.

As an actual example, Kashevko introduced a message he sent to Steve Varsano, founder and CEO of

The Jet Business , the world's first and only corporate jet showroom. In the movie he sent to Varsano, Varsano, who is a year older, conveys a message to his past self from a future world where flying cars and other things come and go.

At the end, customers who received the package watched a video where Kasevko and his team explained the business, and then sent a reply via text, audio, or video message. The replies were positive, with comments such as, 'That's a very interesting approach. I'd like to continue doing business with you in the future,' and 'It was like a novel and very interesting. I'd love to meet you, so please let me know your contact information!'

By June 30, 2024, Kashevko revealed that he had received replies from influential companies such as The Jet Business, venture capital fund LVP fund , British advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi , and Netflix. Eventually, he successfully signed a formal contract with Saatchi & Saatchi.

'Imagine being in a foreign country, thousands of kilometers away from home, your country is suddenly at war, and all you have is a backpack,' Kaszewko says. 'In a place like this, creative problem-solving is the rational way to get a job, a contract or an income.'

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh